How To How to layer your lighting Creating the perfect mix of ambient, task and accent lighting 10068-md-sedona 10080-lg-forest 10066-sm-stone 10090-lg-carbon 10082-sm-carbon 10051-lg-coral 10079-lg-snow 10062-md-sedona
What is light temperature? Light Color Temperature Scale Explained A deep dive into “warm” and “cool” light 10036-sm-snow, 10069-md-sedona, 10080-lg-carbon
How the mother of all trades, Belinda Love Lee, balances it all Behind the life of a letterpress artist 10018-md-snow, 10018-cm-sand
An Intro to Designer Lighting Fixtures for Home How lighting can elevate your entire home 10079-lg-fog, 10080-lg-sunrise, 10030-sm-carbon, 10065-sm-forest, 10067-sm-sedona-left, 10089-md-sand, 10069-md-sedona, 10020-md-snow, 10053-sm-forest
Portland's resident foodie, Emily Greene, finds her light Behind the life of a food photographer 10047-sm-sand
LED lighting explained Why we've done away with traditional bulbs. 10079-lg-forest, 10065-sm-stone, 10070-md-snow
Introducing SPRK on Gantri A new studio focused on creating sensual, at-home experiences. 10073-sm-sand, 10090-lg-sand
Top lighting picks for your living room Live in your best light. 10061-md-snow, 10048-sm-snow, 10058-sm-snow, 10069-md-carbon
Top 5 lighting picks for your home office Work more productively with better lights. 10053-sm-carbon, 10051-lg-coral, 10079-lg-carbon, 10062-md-sedona, 10016-sm-snow
Top 5 lighting picks for your bedroom Your bedroom deserves a gift this year. 10065-sm-carbon, 10018-cm-snow, 10047-sm-snow, 10058-sm-snow, 10082-sm-carbon,
News Gantri debuts Palm, the inaugural collection from Reach The new Palm Collection strikes the perfect balance between productivity and at-home wellness. 10079-lg-sunrise, 10080-lg-sunrise, 10075-lg-sunrise
News Studio Elk introduces Arpeggio Collection on Gantri Inspired by ceramics, crafted in harmony. 10088-lg-forest, 10089-md-forest, 10083-lg-forest, 10082-sm-forest
News Featured Introducing Gantri Digital Gift Card With exclusive artist designs, Gantri’s first ever gift cards reimagine digital gifting from the ground up.
How to use lighting to make your home feel bigger 6 lighting tips to make the best of your small space 10036-sm-forest, 10030-sm-snow, 10068-md-stone, 10048-sm-carbon, 10015-sm-fog, 10047-sm-sand, 10065-sm-carbon, 10066-sm-forest, 10062-md-sedona
How to Choose Nightstand Lights: Ideas for Your Bedroom 5 steps for picking the perfect nightstand light for you and your home 10067-sm-forest-right, 10065-sm-sedona, 10058-sm-snow, 10047-sm-coral, 10064-cm-snow, 10066-sm-carbon, 10015-sm-fog, 10048-sm-sand, 10036-sm-canyon, 10062-md-stone
Lighting for your home office 5 tips for perfect home office lighting 10048-sm-snow, 10051-lg-coral, 10015-sm-fog, 10030-sm-carbon, 10053-sm-snow, 10062-md-forest, 10064-cm-carbon, 10065-sm-carbon, 10068-md-stone, 10016-sm-snow
Lighting for your nightstand Minimalist nightstand lights for the modern bedroom 10047-sm-snow, 10036-sm-snow, 10048-sm-carbon, 10066-sm-carbon, 10064-cm-carbon, 10065-sm-carbon, 10034-sm-sand
What is a Floor Lamp and How Do You Choose One? How gentle, directable light can contribute to your health 10068-md-stone, 10069-md-snow, 10070-md-sedona, 10069-md-carbon
Eye strain 101 How to prevent eye strain, even with increased screen-time 10027-md-snow, 10053-sm-snow
Are Traditional Wall Sconces Outdated? A Comparison with Modern Wall Sconces Maximum style with a minimal footprint 10067-sm-sedona-right, 10066-sm-stone, 10065-sm-carbon,
What is Accent Light in Interior Design? Exploring the many uses of the interior design staple. 10030-sm-snow,10048-sm-sand,10071-sm-carbon,10066-sm-carbon,10065-sm-sedona,10047-sm-carbon,10064-cm-snow,10020-md-fog,10048-sm-carbon,10069-md-snow,10068-md-sedona
What is Task Lighting and How to Choose the Right One? Bringing more light and ease to all that you do. 10062-md-forest,10062-md-stone,10013-md-sand,10058-sm-snow,10064-cm-sedona,10034-sm-snow,10036-sm-canyon