Gantri’s guide to a “hygge” household

Keep cozy this winter with some tips from the Danes.

Gantri’s guide to a “hygge” household

Pronounced "hoo-ga," hygge is a Danish concept that embraces the concept of “cozy contentment.” That’s something we can definitely get behind. Here are a few tips to help you bring the hygge to your home.

Revive your family room

Let's face it, since early 2020, we’ve all spent a lot of time on our couch. It may be time for some sprucing. As the heart of comfort in your home, the family room deserves lots of care. Fluff those pillows, add a new blanket, and consider a lighting upgrade. Try layering multiple fixtures throughout the space to reduce eye strain during those long Netflix binges. We love how a tall piece like Arpeggio Floor Light and a smaller accent like Tiny Table Light can complement each other.

Romanticize your meal times

It's easy to plop in front of the TV at dinner but the hygge lifestyle encourages being present during meal times. Step away from the screens and set the mood at your dining table. Break out some candles to set the scene and engage in some proper dinner convos.

Embrace the warmth

It's said that the Danes created the concept of hygge to fend off the gloom of the cold winter months. That being said, warmth is key. Revisit your neglected fireplace, cook up a new soup recipe or (our personal favorite) choose warm-toned lighting. Gantri’s LED bulbs create natural, warm illumination that stimulate restfulness and relaxation. A bedside fixture like TRAY Table Light can help you wind down in the evenings with a cozy blanket.

Connect with your loved ones

Hygge isn’t just about your setting, it's also about the company you keep. A key component of the concept is connecting with friends and family over games. Whether you’re all about Scrabble on the living room floor or love to set up makeshift ping pong on the dining room table – a little friendly competition is good for the soul.